
Raised: D0.00

Goal: D30,000.00

Essential Equipment

In order to provide comprehensive emergency care across all wards, we need to ensure that each one is equipped with...

Raised: D0.00

Goal: D24,000.00


Training in Emergency Triage Assessment and Treatment (ETAT) is essential for our healthcare staff at EFSTH. This specialized training equips...

Raised: D0.00

Goal: D30,000.00

Research Advocacy

At the Paediatric Department of Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital (EFSTH), our mission is to provide the highest quality of...

Raised: D0.00

Goal: D30,000.00

Support Our Fight Against Sickle Cell Anaemia

This invaluable support will enable us to screen adolescents and youths across The Gambia, significantly advancing our efforts to reduce...